"The Well Balanced Student" presented by Gina Morris
Tuesday, February 11th @ 7pm, MV Library
Gina Morris from
Challenge Success returned to give us an update on the school-wide Challenge Success initiative and to speak about 'The Well-Balanced Student'.
Challenge Success is a Stanford University based organization that provides research-based solutions aimed at increasing student engagement and reducing stress while thinking about success over a longer time frame.
To read more about Challenge Success visit their website at www.challengesuccess.org
Challenge Success synthesizes and reviews relevant research in the fields of health and education to give you the most up-to-date information. Topics include: sleep, cheating, mental health, media, play and more. See their Do You Know? information.
The talk demonstrated how students can be over-awed / overly stressed, by all the tasks / chores / school work / extra-curriculars' they have (leaving little time for the much needed 9 hours of sleep a night).
Even at high school, parents and students need to work out their priorities to give themselves some PDF - Playtime, Down-time and Family Time.
Read their info for Students
If you have any questions please email Kathleen McCulloch
Parent Ed. Night Flyer
Challenge Success is a Stanford University based organization that provides research-based solutions aimed at increasing student engagement and reducing stress while thinking about success over a longer time frame.
To read more about Challenge Success visit their website at www.challengesuccess.org
Challenge Success synthesizes and reviews relevant research in the fields of health and education to give you the most up-to-date information. Topics include: sleep, cheating, mental health, media, play and more. See their Do You Know? information.
The talk demonstrated how students can be over-awed / overly stressed, by all the tasks / chores / school work / extra-curriculars' they have (leaving little time for the much needed 9 hours of sleep a night).
Even at high school, parents and students need to work out their priorities to give themselves some PDF - Playtime, Down-time and Family Time.
Read their info for Students
If you have any questions please email Kathleen McCulloch
Parent Ed. Night Flyer